Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dragonfly 021/365

Dragonfly 021/365
Originally uploaded by Marc Vosburgh
I went out shooting on Thursday and decided to get some nature shots. I got a lot of great shots, all of which I have not uploaded yet but as soon as I do I will edit this post and put them up. I was amazed on how the detail came out in the wings of the Dragonfly in this picture. This was my part of my 365.

Sunglasses 022/365

Sunglasses 022/365
Originally uploaded by Marc Vosburgh
Yesterday was my birthday and I had a wonderful time. However the festivities are not over because tonight is a birthday dinner for Kelsie and myself. Kelsie's birthday is Monday May 31st. For my birthday, my mom decided to buy me a suit for my upcoming wedding. Got it on a killer deal, so that is one more thing I can check off the wedding list. My fiancee decided to take me to our favorite beach for the sunset and Taco Bell because we can not go to the beach without some delicious Taco Bell. Here are a couple of shots from the beach.

These two Kelsie was just being silly.

Kelsie.            Kelsie as a Beatle?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Starbuck's Cooler 018/365

Bula! that means hello in Fijian. This was taken at my local Starbucks cooler, where it seems they have a knack for symmetry and clean lines. Except for that rogue Izze bottle.

While on wikipedia looking at Fiji Water I found a cool bit of history. Fiji once stated in an ad campaign that they had better water because it was not bottled in Cleveland, OH. Cleveland came back and tested their tap water against Fiji water and found that no arsenic was in the tap water where Fiji water had a little bit. I still would rather drink Fiji water.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Off to the bookstore. 017/365

So in the past week, we (my fiancee and I) have spent enough money on her school to buy a Nikon D90, a prime 35mm 1.8f lens and 50 mm prime lens. Just yesterday alone for books I could have bough a new SB-600 flash. Which could have helped me create better shots with people, models, and weddings. Right now I have a Sb-400, which is a great flash but not great for high quality people shots. Here is a 365 upload, of us heading to the bookstore.

I'm Batman! 016/365

I'm Batman! 016/365
Originally uploaded by Marc Vosburgh
I am in the process of doing a photo a day for 365 days. I am already on day 16. This photo was taken for a weekly challenge and the subject is "Tiny". Why I put a small Batman in a flower pot on my patio, I do not know. However, I do find it funny and very colorfuI. I will try to blog my previous days pictures or you can view them on my Flickr page. I originally made this blog to do a photographic journey through Tampa Bay, but I think I will expand that and add my 365 challenge to it and anything else that I shoot. Here and on Flickr I will try to expand my knowledge of pictures go out of my comfort zone and create some beautiful shots, that not only ones I like to look at but others will like to view also.