Thursday, June 24, 2010


Hogwarts, originally uploaded by Marc Vosburgh.

My fiance (her blog is The Happiness Revolution) and I went to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida for the grand opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  We got there a little after 4:00 pm because we heard the lines were crazy and we had not planned on going to it but we were in the area so we decided to go. We spent about five hours there and most of the time was in one line or another.  Here is the view from the entrance to Hogsmeade:

Hogsmeade (2)

It is hard to tell but probably 70 percent of those people are in line to go into one of the stores like Honeydukes on the left or Zonkos on the left or the Butterbeer line dead center (which was about an hour wait). It was odd because the lines were for the stores were sometimes longer than the rides. I am sure this will get better after the initial honeymoon period.
I took over 30 photos which you can view all of them at my flickr account (Wizarding World of Harry Potter (flickr set).

The castle (above) is a ride and I am told it is like the spider man ride in Islands of Adventure. It is suppose to be amazing and next time we go we will definitely try it out.

Has any one else been to the park yet? Or are you going to be going? Comment me a link to your photo, I would love to look at them.

House ties and scarves
All of these were sold out. Next time Kelsie we will get one. :)

Hogsmeade (Three Broomsticks)
Three Broomsticks is in this building.

Thirsty? How about some Butterbeer or Pumpkin Juice:
Pumpkin Juice      

Monday, June 7, 2010

A room with a view. 028/365

A room with a view. 028/365, originally uploaded by Marc Vosburgh.
I have a thing for churches. I am not very religious but I still like their architecture, colors and history. I prefer older churches but every once in a while a newer church grabs my attention. This picture is from the First Baptist Church of Gandy Blvd in Saint Petersburg, FL. What drew me to this church was its huge rose window. Notre Dame in Paris, France has another example of a well known rose window. At sundown the light shines through the stained glass and I am hoping will be beautiful and I can produce a great photo. I went last Thursday to get some pictures of some of their stained glass windows, which they have in five seperate areas, each with their own seating area, and the rose window, where they hold worship. However, it was off limits for the day. They stated that I could check back later and would be able to get some shots. So, this Wednesday or Friday I am going to try again.

This shot was taken with a tripod and natural light shining through the stained glass.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cross, X, Arrow's and a Square

I went with my fiancée to the location where our wedding and reception will take place. We are getting married at Honeymoon Island, in Dunedin , FL. Seems like a pretty cliche name, but it is beautiful and it is also the place where I asked Kelsie to go out with me so it has a history for us. We just took some pictures and hammered out a couple of ideas. Here are a couple of pictures that I took while in the pavilion.

Kelsie 027/365

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tampa, FL

Fountains #2, originally uploaded by Marc Vosburgh.
My friend Justin and I went to downtown Tampa a week ago and took some good shots of the local area. In this blog I want to portray the beautiful part of Tampa and the surrounding areas and these are some of those shots that do that. Here are a few shots that I have taken recently of Tampa. I am getting together some shots of local art on the street type stuff. All photos on my page are clickable and you will be taken to my flickr page.
Tampa Art Museum Punisher
Downtown TampaChurch
Tampa Theater Dock on the bay
SuntrustGraffiti Bridge
Fountains  #1 - revisitedVirgin Mary (013/365)
Airport TerminalDowntown Tampa

Parking Garage 026/365

Parking Garage 026/365
Parking Garage 026/365
Originally uploaded by Marc Vosburgh

So I have not been uploading recently to my blog. It has been a hectic 5 days. Above is another addition to my 365 days in photos. Friday was my birthday and I got a new suit for my wedding with my mom and fiancee. Then, Kelsie took me to our favorite custard and ice shop, Ritas. It is just before you get to Clearwater Beach. Then after that we went to Pass-a-Grille beach, where we watched the sunset and got some fun pictures which I have already uploaded.
Saturday comes around and I have work. No fun. The fun starts when we went to our (Kelsie and me) birthday dinner at Mad Dogs and Englishmen. I had sweet potato fries with a stilton dipping sauce, steak sandwich (I usually get the shepards pie or bangers and mash), and topped it off with a mouth watering tempura fried brownie. Oh yes.

Mad Dogs 023/365

Sunday, work. But I did my photo for the Nikon D40/x/60 Challenge Group and this weeks challenge was Nostalgia. Here is the shot:

Old School 024/365

Monday was my favorite persons birthday and we spent most of the day lounging around and just watching movies and tv. Oh, we did have wonderful breakfast with eggs, purple pancakes, potatoes o'brien, and turkey bacon.

Breakfast 025/365

We did finally leave the house and go to get a snack before the movie. Per birthday girl's request we went to Sex and the City 2. It was an okay movie, but it was more about substance than story. Although, I did like the first movie. Both movies do have the problem with trying to make a 2 hour movie into a 2.5 hour movie. All in all, it was a great couple of days.

Now I am caught up, I will try to keep it that way. Till tomorrow.