Thursday, June 24, 2010


Hogwarts, originally uploaded by Marc Vosburgh.

My fiance (her blog is The Happiness Revolution) and I went to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida for the grand opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  We got there a little after 4:00 pm because we heard the lines were crazy and we had not planned on going to it but we were in the area so we decided to go. We spent about five hours there and most of the time was in one line or another.  Here is the view from the entrance to Hogsmeade:

Hogsmeade (2)

It is hard to tell but probably 70 percent of those people are in line to go into one of the stores like Honeydukes on the left or Zonkos on the left or the Butterbeer line dead center (which was about an hour wait). It was odd because the lines were for the stores were sometimes longer than the rides. I am sure this will get better after the initial honeymoon period.
I took over 30 photos which you can view all of them at my flickr account (Wizarding World of Harry Potter (flickr set).

The castle (above) is a ride and I am told it is like the spider man ride in Islands of Adventure. It is suppose to be amazing and next time we go we will definitely try it out.

Has any one else been to the park yet? Or are you going to be going? Comment me a link to your photo, I would love to look at them.

House ties and scarves
All of these were sold out. Next time Kelsie we will get one. :)

Hogsmeade (Three Broomsticks)
Three Broomsticks is in this building.

Thirsty? How about some Butterbeer or Pumpkin Juice:
Pumpkin Juice      

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