Monday, June 7, 2010

A room with a view. 028/365

A room with a view. 028/365, originally uploaded by Marc Vosburgh.
I have a thing for churches. I am not very religious but I still like their architecture, colors and history. I prefer older churches but every once in a while a newer church grabs my attention. This picture is from the First Baptist Church of Gandy Blvd in Saint Petersburg, FL. What drew me to this church was its huge rose window. Notre Dame in Paris, France has another example of a well known rose window. At sundown the light shines through the stained glass and I am hoping will be beautiful and I can produce a great photo. I went last Thursday to get some pictures of some of their stained glass windows, which they have in five seperate areas, each with their own seating area, and the rose window, where they hold worship. However, it was off limits for the day. They stated that I could check back later and would be able to get some shots. So, this Wednesday or Friday I am going to try again.

This shot was taken with a tripod and natural light shining through the stained glass.

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